Ivaldo Fernandes
Youth 4th quarter 2024
October 13, 2024

“Then you will walk confidently on your way, and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.” ( Pr 3.23,24 )

Those who cultivate biblical wisdom in their hearts enjoy protection and confidence in the Christian life.


TO SHOW that wisdom is a protective shield:
TO UNDERSTAND that wisdom is related to Christian maturity:
TO REFLECT on wisdom as a source of life, protection and trust.

Dear teacher, in this Sunday’s lesson, we will study the fruit of divine wisdom manifested in the life of the believer. We will see that this fruit makes us mature believers. Once we are mature, we acquire greater discernment of times and choices. Therefore, throughout the lesson, emphasize that when we have wisdom in our hearts, we find confidence and security in God. But how can we achieve biblical wisdom? By applying the truth read in the Holy Scriptures in our daily lives. And for this reason, at the end of the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus concluded: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24). Those who build their lives on meditation and practice of the Holy Scriptures have their lives safe and protected in God.

Teacher, start the lesson by asking students to name some people called wise in the Bible. Then present the table below and show students how these people demonstrated divine wisdom.

Excerpt from the Personal Application Study Bible, Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 2013, p. 837.

Proverbs 2.1-11; 3.21-26
Proverbs 2

1 My son, if you will receive my words and treasure my commandments within you,
2 so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding.
3 If you cry out for understanding and lift up your voice for understanding,
4 if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures,
5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
6 for the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
7 he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity.
8 that he may guard the paths of justice and preserve the way of his saints.
9 then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity, and every good path.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
11 Good things will keep you safe, and understanding will preserve you.
Proverbs 3
21 My son, do not let these things depart from your eyes; keep sound wisdom and discretion.
22 For they will be life to your soul and grace to your neck.
23 Then you will walk confidently in your way, and your foot will not stumble.
24 When you lie down, you will not be afraid; yes, you will lie down, and your sleep will be sweet.
25 Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of the destruction of the wicked when it comes.
26 For the Lord will be your hope, and will keep your feet from being caught.

In this lesson, we will study the fruit of divine wisdom manifested in the life of those who seek it as protection and confidence in the spiritual and moral life. We will see that this wisdom develops Christian maturity within us. Once we develop maturity through the fear of the Lord, through Him we also acquire greater discernment of times and choices. Then, we have wisdom in our hearts, trust and security in God.


1- The structure of chapter 2.  The first four verses of the second chapter of Proverbs present the conjunction “if”. This brings the idea of ​​condition: “if you accept”, “if you cry out”, “if I am like silver”. These verses express that, in order to acquire wisdom, it is necessary to “accept” it, “cry out for it” and “seek it”. The idea here is effort, to “pursue” wisdom. When this happens, we will reap the results. Note the conjunction in verse five: “Then”. This conjunction appears as a logical conclusion, the result of the search and effort for wisdom. Here, two sections show these results: verses 5-8 (“you will understand” and “find” wisdom) and 9-11 (you will understand righteousness, justice, equity and good paths). Verses 12-19 describe the blessings that come from having attained wisdom: the reader will receive deliverance from the evil way and from the seduction of the strange woman. Finally, verses 20-22 conclude the purpose of the chapter. In short, verses 1-4 bring the condition for finding wisdom, verses 5-9 show the blessings of wisdom, verses 11-19 describe these blessings, and verses 20-22 conclude the chapter.
2- Wisdom as a shield.  Those who perseverely seek wisdom will understand that the fear of the Lord is a righteous lifestyle. This lifestyle makes the Lord appear as a shield to those who seek wisdom (v.7). According to this wisdom, the reader of Proverbs develops full awareness of “righteousness” which, according to scholars, corresponds to God’s ethical instruction (according to the Hebrew word yoshoi); as well as “sincerity” which reveals the character of someone who is genuine and trustworthy. The life of righteousness and sincerity as a consequence of those who become wise in God carries with it a protective virtue that comes from above and which allows us to discern everything that pleases God from what does not please Him (James 3:17). In this sense, our steps will be spiritually and morally safe.
3- Wisdom in the heart.  “For wisdom will enter into your heart” (v. ro). A glorious blessing for those who seek wisdom! Here it is important to meditate on the word “heart”. Unlike the West where the brain is seen as the center of the human being, in biblical wisdom the center of the human being is the heart, whose Hebrew meaning is much broader than in our language. In biblical wisdom, the heart encompasses intellect, morality and emotion, or we could also say that it conglomerates thought, feeling and will ( Gen 6.5 ; Dt 4.9: 2 Sm 7.3). We will study the heart in more detail in the next lesson. However, it is important to be well aware that the balance of our spiritual life is only possible when the Holy Spirit molds, works and develops our heart, that is, when our thoughts, feelings and will are fully coherent and ordered with the will of God ( Mark 12.30 ). Thus, “good judgment” will guard us, because we will have the ability to think well according to the Word of God; “intelligence” will protect us, that is, we will have the ability to apply divine knowledge to the concrete actions of our lives ( Proverbs 2.11 ). In this sense, our thoughts, submissive to the Word of God, will order our feelings and, consequently, our behaviors will reveal that our inner being is fully dominated by the Holy Spirit ( Romans 12.2 ). Thus, our heart will be fully aligned with the will of God.

How is it possible to live safely?

Keeping our thoughts, feelings and will in God.

Teacher, talk to your students and encourage them to read the book of Proverbs. Tell them that “the book of Proverbs has thirty-one chapters, which makes it suitable for a complete reading over the course of a month. They can read one chapter a day, for a month. There is no gibberish, no complex theology to decipher, no abstract theories to unravel. The book of Proverbs is a direct message to all of us who live imperfect lives on planet Earth. Furthermore, since Solomon stated that his texts were recorded to help us “know wisdom,” we suggest that we take them and gather new dimensions of wisdom, sitting at his feet. May your students and you read the book of Proverbs regularly and frequently, but do not limit yourself to reviewing the information. Apply the principles and watch them impact your life as you put them into practice. Most importantly, read them prayerfully. Ask God to reveal the mysteries to you through the ministry of His Holy Spirit. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. As you discover your own iniquity, your shortcomings, and your spiritual needs, ask for His guidance and healing. As time passes and the Spirit of God applies His Word to your life, you will become increasingly wise. (Adapted from SWINDOLL. Charles R. Living Proverbs. Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 2013, p. 834)


1- The Structure of Chapter 3.  The third chapter is a continuation of the result of the wisdom revealed in the second chapter. It shows that a heart dominated by God’s wisdom brings moral stability, while chapter 3 shows that a heart dominated by divine wisdom enjoys true happiness and security. Therefore, chapter 3 is structured in three discourses: Verses 1 to 10 concern dedication to the Lord; verses 11 to 20 relate the true happiness of trusting in the Lord; verses 20 to 35 show security in life with God. It is important to highlight that each of the discourses is accompanied by the expression “My son”. This expression evokes closeness, the desire that the sacred teaching be heard, understood and applied by the reader-disciple. Here, we will focus on the third discourse, more specifically verses 21-26, in which security in God reveals the stability of the reader’s maturity. That’s right. It is the desire of the Almighty that the young Christian mature emotionally and spiritually to live a secure life in Him.
2- Wisdom as Christian maturity.  Verses 21 and 22 show that “good judgment” and true wisdom bring clarity, discernment, and experience. This wisdom is anchored in God, in the fear of the Lord (Prov 1:7 ). When we are grounded in God, He makes us better discern the path we follow. Therefore, divine wisdom brings life in fullness. Throughout the Lesson, you will see that maturity is revealed in the way we deal with practical actions in our daily lives. The apostle Paul, in one of his Epistles, gives a very interesting example of maturity: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I reasoned as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things” ( 1 Cor 13:11 ). It is no coincidence that the apostle to the Gentiles shows how much our Lord is interested in the development of our Christian maturity, granting ministerial gifts with the clear purpose of improvement, growth, and spiritual edification. ( Eph 4.11-16 )
3- Wisdom that generates confidence.  Whoever is wise and has good judgment, then “you will walk confidently in the way” ( Pv 3.23). This trust is only possible when we have God as the center of our lives, so “we will lie down and not be afraid” (v. 24), the Lord will be our hope (v. 26). The text teaches that while the path of the wicked is destruction: those who keep and seek divine wisdom have a path of trust, both day and night, the Lord will guard us, protect us. In this way, trust is shown to be a fundamental element in Christian perseverance. Throughout our journey we will encounter various obstacles and even traps. However, the book of Proverbs exhorts us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Prov 3:5). There is a hymn from our Christian Harp that says: “When everything is before the Lord / And He controls your whole being / Only then will you see that the Lord has power, / When you leave everything on the altar”. This is the trust that comes from biblical wisdom.

What does biblical wisdom generate in us?

Spiritual maturity and trust in God.

Teacher, start the topic by asking the following questions: “Is it easier to acquire wisdom or knowledge (information)?” “What are the benefits of acquiring wisdom according to the first topic of the lesson?” Listen to the students carefully and explain that it is “easy to acquire knowledge, but since the process of obtaining wisdom is difficult and painful, man transmits knowledge. God gives wisdom, knowledge comes to us with education, whether by absorbing what the most educated have to say, or simply by gathering information here and there, along the path of life. But what about the wisdom that comes from above? As you already know, there is no course, there is no school, there is no database on Earth where we can access wisdom. And, unlike knowledge, which can be evaluated in objective analyses, quantified by exams and certified by diplomas, wisdom defies measurement, it is much more subjective, requires more time to be acquired, and has a lot to do with our attitude. A person can acquire knowledge and still be far from the living God. But those who are wise know the Lord God through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, and also regard Him with reverence and respect. The 'fear of the Lord' is still the beginning of wisdom, as well as the most faithful indicator of His presence in a person's life.” Conclude the topic by emphasizing that wisdom is like a protective shield that brings peace and security to our hearts.
(Adapted from SWINDOLL, Charles R. Living Proverbs, Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 2013, p. 834)


1– Seek biblical wisdom.  At the beginning of the lesson, we studied the need to seek wisdom in Proverbs 2. From a concrete point of view, the wisdom that comes from above is revealed in the Word of God, in the Bible. This means that one of the fundamental conditions for becoming wise is to seek biblical wisdom. It is necessary to read the Bible, understand it, and apply it to the heart. The psalmist writes: “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” ( Ps 119:11 ). The word “hid” has to do with quality reading that passes through thought, feeling, and reaches the will. In this case, memorizing the Scriptures becomes natural and important. But to complete this cycle, the Word of God must be applied to our lives. Once cultivated in our hearts and applied to life, the fear of the Lord takes hold within us. This fear of the Lord is the first stage for a life of wisdom. Therefore, read the Word of God. Meditate on the Word of God. Apply the Word of God to your life.
2- A safe life in a dangerous world.  We live in a world of many dangers. Because of this, many people develop social phobias, panic disorders, and several other pathologies. In many places, life is marked by fear. However, as Christians, we cannot forget the apostolic words: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear” ( 1 John 4:18 ). When we meditate on the Word of God, we become aware of God’s perfect love for us, so that neither death nor life can separate us from this gracious love, a love that has reached us wonderfully ( Romans 8:38,39 ). Thus, the true awareness of God’s love, coming from biblical revelation, brings us security and balance. Then, we are free to be instruments of love so that God reveals Himself to others. Therefore, we walk in confidence, without fear in a dangerous world.
3- Trust, even in a world of uncertainty. As a result of the development of critical thinking in the modern world, a phenomenon is increasingly common in our society: the cult of doubt and uncertainty. Doubting seems to have gained the status of intellectuality today. Hence the desire of many to deconstruct the faith, foundations and values ​​of others. This is part of the portrait of what sociologists call postmodernism or liquid modernity. In this context of modern thinking, questioning has become an idol. But as we have seen in this lesson, biblical wisdom, which comes from above, brings us confidence, a faith consolidated in God’s revelation in our experience with Him. And that confidence and certainty of Daniel’s young friends who, even in a world of religious relativism, were endowed with biblical wisdom, did not fail to express an objective confidence: “Behold, our God whom we serve, and he is able to deliver us; he will deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and from your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up” ( Daniel 3.17,18 ).

Where can I begin to seek wisdom?

Biblical wisdom must be sought in the Bible. This cultivates in us the fear of the Lord.

Biblical wisdom is acquired only by reading, not only by memorizing the Bible. Yes, it is necessary to read, memorize and, as a natural consequence, and most importantly, it is necessary to apply the truth that has been read and memorized. At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus concluded: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” ( Matthew 7:24 ). Whoever builds his life on meditation and practice of the Holy Scriptures has his life safe and protected in God.

1- How can we summarize the second chapter of Proverbs?
Verses 1-4 bring – the condition for finding wisdom, verses 5-9 show the blessings of wisdom, verses 11-19 describe these blessings and verses 2-22 conclude the chapter.

2- What does the heart encompass in biblical wisdom?
In biblical wisdom, the heart encompasses intellect, morality and emotion, thought, feeling and will.

3- According to the lesson, what does the expression “My son” evoke?
This expression evokes closeness, the desire that the sacred teaching be heard, understood and applied by the disciple- Reader

4- Where is the wisdom from above found?
From a concrete point of view, the wisdom that comes from above is revealed in the Word of God, in the Bible.

5- In addition to reading and memorizing, what is the other important element to close the cycle of hiding the Word of God in the heart?
To complete this cycle, the Word of God must be applied to our lives.

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